


  1. The name of the organisation shall be the “PETERBOROUGH POOL ASSOCIATION” herein after the PPA.


  1. The objective of the PPA is to provide facilities and promote the Sport of Pool in the Peterborough area to all, irrespective of disability, race, colour, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, age or sex. To enable them to become involved in the Sport at whatever their level of competence or status.


  1. The PPA will affiliate to the Cambridgeshire Pool Association, which gives them automatic affiliation to the English Pool Association, who are recognised by the Sports Council as the governing body for Pool in England.


  1. The cost of membership will be reviewed annually by the committee and proposed at the AGM. All monies will be handled and banked by the duly elected Treasurer.
  2. All outgoing cheques must be signed by at least two from three signatories following proper banking mandate; the signatories must be serving Committee members, one being the Treasurer.
  3. The Treasurer shall present a statement of accounts at any time when requested by the Committee and at each monthly Committee meeting. The Treasurer will present fully audited accounts of the Association to the AGM annually.


  1. An AGM will be held prior to the start of each Winter season, the General Secretary will publicise the exact date well in advance, for the purpose of the following:
  2. Team registration and payment fees.
  3. Presentation and/or publication of accounts of the PPA.
  4. Discuss any constitution reviews.
  5. Any ballots/votes regarding motions, amendments put forward to the General Secretary in the relevant timescales as per (5k.)
  6. The AGM will elect a Committee to manage all business appertaining to the PPA, consisting of a Chairperson, General Secretary and Treasurer and any other committee members required in the opinion of the committee, two of which must include Results Secretary’s and Competition Secretary, ALL of who must be registered to play for a team during their period of office.
  7. In addition, the committee shall attempt to include additional representatives for each of the leagues (if not represented by existing committee members) to be re-elected on a seasonal basis.
  8. The General Secretary must receive nominations for any Committee post in writing at least 14 days before the appropriate AGM. If however, there are places on the Committee left unfilled (due to resignations etc.) the AGM can nominate any person present on the night. All nominees will be notified in writing of the Committees decision following the AGM.
  9. The General Secretary will produce attendance records of Committee Meetings and a brief summary of work done by each Committee Member during their time in office. This information will be made available if requested.
  10. The Chairman, League Secretary & Treasurer must be members of the retiring Committee and will be elected first. These senior committee positions will be due for re-election on a two-year rotation where Chairperson and Results secretaries would be considered for (re) elections on odd years and General Secretary and Treasurer positions on “even‟ years with the following precedence:

Chairperson (Odd Years)

Results Secretary positions (Odd Years)

General Secretary (Even Years)

Treasurer (Even Years)

  1. Any other remaining positions will be re-elected as required on a seasonal basis.
  2. Motions to change the Constitution for the forthcoming season must be received by the General Secretary in writing or by email at at least 14 days before the relevant AGM/GM. Motions must be seconded by a person from another team other than that of the proposer. The General Secretary will distribute these motions to all registered teams before the date of the AGM.
  3. The proposer or his/her nominee has the right to address the AGM on his/her motion. The motion will then be debated and voted on accordingly.
  4. Any amendments to proposals will be accepted at the AGM. Should any amendment be proposed a free vote would be taken to determine the final motion.
  5. All Teams/Players must abide by the Constitution as accepted by the AGM, and also any decisions made by the Committee. An Emergency General Meeting (EGM) can be called by informing the General Secretary in writing of the reason for calling the meeting. At least 3 teams must support the call for an EGM. The Committee reserves the right to call an EGM at anytime. The Committee will decide the date of the EGM, which will be held at the earliest opportunity. The General Secretary will publicise the date well in advance.
  6. A General Meeting will be held prior to the Summer season for the same purpose as an AGM with exception of elections for Committee positions.


  1. The representative of each registered team will be given a voting card at the AGM. Different coloured cards will be given for each League represented (PPA Leagues (Tues & Thurs), International (Wed/Thur).
  2. No person can represent more than one team.
  3. Each registered team present at the AGM and also each Committee member present at the AGM will be allowed one vote on any motions debated at the AGM, except the Chairperson and/or the Acting Chairperson who has the casting vote if required.
  4. Only teams present in the Leagues that have motions for their respective Leagues will be allowed to vote on their amendments/proposals. In other words, PPA League representatives cannot vote on International proposals and/or amendments.  The only exception to this that the Committee get to vote on ANY proposal/amendment as per (6,2) above.
  5. No voting by proxy will be allowed.


  1. All committee members must be registered with the PPA throughout their period of office.
  2. Any committee member that resigns or is removed from the committee will be ineligible for re-election unless approved by the Committee.
  3. Committee Meetings will meet regularly to discuss PPA issues. The General Secretary will notify Committee Members of the exact date well in advance.
  4. Any Committee Member can call a Committee Meeting after giving 72 hours’ notice in writing to the General Secretary, explaining the reason for the meeting.
  5. The Committee will elect a Vice-Chairperson, Open Competitions Secretary and also create any other posts deemed necessary to efficiently run the PPA.
  6. If any dispute occurs which involves teams that Committee Members are registered with, then the Committee Members involved will not be allowed to vote on that particular dispute.
  7. The Committee shall base all it’s decisions on the Constitution in force at the time. If not covered in the Constitution, the Committee has the right to make any decision that, in their opinion, is necessary or beneficial to the PPA. Any changes made throughout the season will be forwarded to all captains.
  8. Any Committee decisions are final. Any form of verbal or physical abuse towards anybody associated with the PPA Committee will not be tolerated and could result in being banned indefinitely.
  9. Any decisions made by the committee that require attention before the next meeting, may be managed by way of a poll vote, whereby the committee member that requires the change can contact other committee members and receive agreed votes equal to 50% of the committee in total.
  10. The Minutes of each Committee Meeting will be distributed by the General Secretary to each Committee Member as routine and to any Team on request. Any Committee Member who misses 2 consecutive meetings without giving his/her apologies will be deemed to have resigned from the Committee.


  1. The PPA Leagues are open to all Pool teams in the Peterborough area.
  2. Any new venue must have their registration ratified by the appropriate AGM/GM
  3. The Committee will decide the entry fee for each League, and notify teams at AGM/GM
  4. Before the start of each season the General Secretary will announce the closing date for registration of teams (Registration Night). All teams must pay their registration fees and hand in their fully completed registration forms on or before the advised closing date (Registration Night). No registration forms will be accepted after the registration night. There will also be a £5.00 surcharge for returned cheques.
  5. Teams must provide a telephone number for the venue and a separate telephone number of their Captain. The General Secretary will distribute fixtures at the start of each season.
  6. If the same venue registers 2 or more teams, they will be treated completely independently of each other. Venues with only 1 pool table will only be allowed to register 2 teams per night
  7. Teams wishing to register new players not on the registration sheet can do so by marking the scorecard with a star beside their name. The player will become officially registered when they sign the match card. NO NEW PLAYERS CAN BE SIGNED ON THE NIGHT OF A CUP FIXTURE OR THE LAST GAME OF THE SEASON.
  8. Players who wish to transfer to another team must obtain permission from the Committee before doing so. CAPTAINS TO CHECK BEFORE THEY SIGN ON PLAYERS.
  9. PLAYERS WHO TRANSFER TEAMS DURING THE SEASON WILL BE CLASSED AS CUP TIED. If a player signs a registration form but the season has not officially started, therefore has not played a game then that player will not be cup tied.
  10. No team at any venue will be allowed to sign more than 3 players from a team that dropped out of the league the previous season (CAPTAINS TO CHECK BEFORE THEY SIGN ON) without prior permission from the Committee.


  1. The General Secretary will send fixtures out to all registered teams in good time for the start of the season.
  2. To be deemed to have completed a fixture, a team must have enough players available to play to be theoretically able to win the match (minimum of 3 players.)
  3. Teams should also note that if a fixture needs to be rescheduled outside their usual league night, they must remain flexible to do so.
  4. Teams will referee frames alternately, with the Home team refereeing the 1st frame. Captains should make sure that their nominated referees are fully conversant with the current PPA/International playing rules. Captains to ensure that those refereeing are knowledgeable in the rules and are in a position to be refereeing a frame fairly.
  5. If there is a disagreement over playing rules during a frame then the referee will stop the frame immediately. He/she will then consult the rules sheet and may take advice from both captains and any PPA./Blackball/International Rules qualified referee, if present, but no-one else. The referees‟ decision is final. Captains should ensure that the referee is responsible and knowledgeable of the playing rules and pays attention to the match being played.
  6. All players MUST sign at least one frame indicating he/she is available when his/her frame is due to be played. In the event that unused players remain at the end of the match then they may be put down as reserves that attended the fixture but did not play. The opposing Captain must also sign to verify that the named reserves attended the fixture.
  7. The Captain of each team should sign the result card, under their own team, to indicate that they are happy with the card.
  8. If there is any dispute the result card should NOT be signed by the captain, however, it must be sent in as normal. A letter outlining the dispute using the Complaints procedure Sheet 1 should be sent to the General Secretary within 7 days.
  1. The match format will be as follows: –

Tuesday PPA Ladies League: 

 10 frames, 2 sessions of 5 singles. Away team order to be changed in the 2nd session.

The break to be decided by lag for the first break and alternate breaks thereafter. Start.

Wednesday International Rules League:     

15 frames, 3 Sessions of 5 Singles. Away team order to be changed in the 2nd and 3rd Sessions.

The break to be decided by lag for the first break and alternate breaks thereafter.

                                                                                 8pm start. 1 minute maximum between shots.

 Thursday PPA League:   

                         10 frames, 2 sessions of 5 singles. Away team order to be changed in the 2nd session. 8.30pm Start.                          The break to be decided by lag for the first break and alternate breaks thereafter.

Thursday International Rules League:      

15 frames, 3 Sessions of 5 Singles. Away team order to be changed in the 2nd and 3rd Sessions.

The break to be decided by lag for the first break and alternate breaks thereafter.

8pm start.1 minute maximum between shots.

  1. Matches must commence promptly. The home team must vacate the table 10 minutes prior to the match, so that the away team may have a warm up.
  2. If any team turns up late, they will forfeit 1 frame for every 10 minutes that the start of the match is delayed. Captains are asked to make sure these rules are enforced. The Captain of the team present has the right to continue to claim the un-played frames and continue onwards to next available frame to play when the opposition appears .
  3. If a team arrive at a venue on or after the times listed below (After a 30-minute delay), the game will be classed as ‘UNPLAYED’ THE GAME WILL BE RE-ARRANGED. No games can be claimed 10-0 or 15-0.

Tuesday PPA Ladies League              – 8:00pm

Wednesday International Rules         – 8:00pm

Thursday International Rules             – 8:00pm

Thursday PPA Rules                           – 8:30pm

  1. The score card must be filled in from number one to five without gaps (first session).
  2. All players MUST sign at least one frame indicating he/she is available when his/her frame is due to be played. In the event that unused players remain at the end of the match then they may be put down as reserves that attended the fixture but did not play. The opposing Captain must also sign to verify that the named reserves attended the fixture.
  3. If any players wish to play their games early as they need to leave early, the first session MUST be completed before any remaining frames can be played early (providing both captains agree to playing the frames early and out of order). The numbers one to five are the players playing positions and must be adhered to. Playing players in one position in the first set and then changing them in the next set is not allowed (e.g. playing position 1 then in the next set playing position 2). The only time a player may change position is in a match with 3 sessions when they can sit out the middle session.
  4. The Captains can, if they wish, write, “NO PLAYER” and initial any space in the player’s name (not signature) column of the result card left vacant by the opposing team captain. “No Player” must go in position 5, if a second “No Player” is written, it must go in position 4 for Blackball/International Rules and position 3 for PPA Rules (No exceptions)
  5. Once the 2 teams have been listed NO changes should be made to the result card. No players, including reserves, can be added, or any changes in order of play are to be made, unless otherwise agreed by both captains.


  1. Players cannot play someone they have previously played in the same match (If re-inserting a player from a previous session and they are due to play the same player they must either be placed elsewhere or left out).
  2. There is no restriction on the time a player has to turn up for the match, except that he/she must be available when his/her frame is due to be played. If he/she is not present a time limit of 10 minutes will apply before the frame can be claimed.
  3. If a player is absent when they are due to play their frame their place may be taken by a reserve. Each reserve will only be allowed to take the place of 1 absent player.
  5. If during any season it is found that a team fields an illegible player who has deliberately changed their name and/or played under another person’s name in the order to play for another team, the player in question will be punished. The punishment will be decided by the Committee.
  6. Also, the offending TEAM CAPTAIN and OFFENDING PLAYER will be asked to attend in front of the PPA LEAGUE Committee to answer any allegations. The punishment for the TEAM and/or OFFENDING PLAYER will be decided by the Committee on a case-by-case basis.


  1. The scoring system will be 1 point for each frame won and an extra point for a match won.
  2. Results cards are to be posted in the relevant WhatsApp group. Match results MUST be with the appropriate Results Secretary on WhatsApp by 6.30 pm on the following day. The Score Card to be posted by the WINNING team, HOME team if a Draw. Failure to do so will result in teams being deducted points.
  3. The players of the Winning teams who fail to send in the scorecard will not be awarded player ranking points due to them for that match. Failing to comply will result in further action to be taken by the Committee, at their discretion.


  1. If a team NEEDS to postpone a match, they MUST FIRST gain the approval of RESULTS SECRETARY giving the reason for the postponement, then inform the opposing team captain and the venue. It is suggested that the opposing team also informs the Results Secretary.
  2. If a team postpones a match they will be deducted points on the following scale. Less than 12 hours’ notice they will be deducted 4 points. Between 12 & 24 hours’ notice they will be deducted 3 points. Between 24 & 48 hours’ notice they will be deducted 2 points. Only in extreme circumstances, will exceptions be made.
  3. If the Results Secretary is not notified it would be assumed that no notice was given and 4 points will be deducted from THE POSTPONING TEAM. If a team fails to follow the rules on more than 1 occasion they will be dealt with by the Committee.
  4. Matches must be cancelled should a team be deemed to be unable to complete a fixture i.e. a team must have enough players available to play to be theoretically able to win the match (minimum of 3 players.) and otherwise at the discretion of the Results Secretary.
  5. Teams registering with the PPA., agree to being available on an evening outside their ‘league night’ for rescheduling matches if necessary. Although every effort can be made to schedule an outstanding match on an available free ‘cup night’, this is not always feasible.
  6. All Postponed matches must be re-arranged within 4 weeks of the original match date. It is the responsibility of both captains to get matches played within the 4 weeks. If this is not done BOTH teams will be deducted 1 point for each week (or part of a week) over the 4 weeks. If there is less than 4 weeks to the end of the season, the re-arranged match must take place before the last league match. The last match of the season CANNOT be postponed but can be played before the fixture date. ALL MATCHES MUST BE PLAYED, NO MACTHES CAN BE CLAIMED 10-0 OR 15-0.
  7. If the opposing team has incurred expenses by a match being postponed, they should deal with the cancelling team direct.
  8. If teams cannot agree on a suitable date, for the re-arranged match, then the Results Secretary must be informed and will mediate, using blank cup dates if possible and if not specify a date. All matches must be played or teams will be deemed as having Withdrawn from the League.


  1. All the matches of any team that fails to complete the season will be declared void and the league table will be adjusted accordingly.
  2. Any team who wishes to withdraw from the league during a season, for whatever reason, must put it in writing to the Results Secretary. Permission must be gained from the person who paid the Registration Fee before there can be any adjustment to the league. Teams who withdraw from the league within the last six weeks of the season may not be allowed to enter a team the following season.
  3. Teams who do not finish the season, for whatever reason, forfeit all money paid.
  4. Any team who wishes to change venue during a season, for whatever reason, must put it in writing to the General Secretary. Permission must be gained from the Committee and the person who paid the Registration Fee before the move can go ahead.


  1. The top 2 teams in each division will be promoted. The bottom 2 teams in each division will be relegated, subject to any league re-organisation that may occur.
  2. In the event of a tie-on points in the league at the end of the season, matches won and lost will be taken into consideration. If there is still a tie a play-off will be held to determine league winners, runner-up or relegated teams. The play-offs will take place at a neutral venue, on a date and place decided by the Committee.
  3. The Committee will record wins by players in all individual Singles games in all Divisions of the Ladies / Wednesday International Rules / Thursday PPA. Rules / Thursday International Rules. These records will only be taken from the scorecard received. Each player will be given 1 ranking point for a win. At the end of the season Trophies will be presented to the players with the most ranking points in their respective Division. If there is a tie-on ranking win, players will be deemed joint winners.


  1. Below is a list of the standard penalties enforced by the committee for the most common offences, the existing right to appeal remains available to any teams affected.
1st   Offense 2nd Offense 3rd  Offense 4th  Offense
Failure to send in copy of Results card on WhatsApp by 18:30 on the following day after match is played to the relevant Results Secretary.  








Failure to contact Results Secretary/Notice given less than 12 hours prior to match 4 POINTS DEDUCTED 4 POINTS DEDUCTED 4 POINTS DEDUCTED 4 POINTS DEDUCTED


  1. The PPA. will run viable, individual open or closed competitions for all PPA registered players.
  2. Players entering the competitions will (unless they indicate that they are the Landlord/Landlady on the entry form) not be able to leave the venue telephone number as their contact number. If they do not give a personal contact number on the entry form then their captain or team contact number will be given on the draw as appropriate.
  3. The competitions will be open to all PPA. registered players from that season, with the entry fee decided by the Committee (Currently £2.00 per player per competition, including the Captain’s Cup).
  4. At the Quarter Finals stage and beyond of all competitions, players must have played in 50% of the respective league fixtures. Any player failing to have participated 50% will be subject to automatic disqualification.
  5. If a team withdraws, or is expelled, from the league, any players from that team will cease to be eligible to play in League Competitions. The Captain will not be allowed to continue in the Captain’s Cup Competition. Any player transferring teams during the season will forfeit their right to continue in any competitions, no exceptions.
  6. Teams wishing to nominate a reserve for the Triples competitions (i.e. the teams can choose any 3 players from the 4 registered). During a Triples match once a player has been replaced by the reserve no further changes will be allowed.
  7. The Captain’s Cup entry will include any Captains & Vice Captains names placed on the original team Registration Sheet and all documentation will be sent to those persons only. The genuine Captain & Vice Captain must sign the competition entry form to indicate their intention of entering the Captain’s Cup draw. (This will be checked).
  8. PPA Rules Singles, Doubles & Captains matches are the race to 5 frames up to and including the Quarterfinals and then the race to 7 frames thereafter. Triples will be the best of 9 throughout the competition.
  9. International Rules competitions are the race to 5 frames to Quarter-finals and then race to 7 frames thereafter. Triples will be the best of 9 throughout the competition.
  10. It is the DUTY of both players/teams to contact each other and agree a mutual date (BEFORE THE DATE OF THE DEAD LINE) for the game to be played. If any player/team turn up late for the agreed time, they will forfeit 1 frame for every 10 minutes that the start of the match is delayed. If no contact can be made or a difficulty arises, they are to contact the Competitions Secretary for adjudication. No games can automatically be claimed.
  11. The winners of all matches must message the result to the Open Competitions Secretary as soon as they have been played. Any results that are not received by closing date deadline will be deemed unplayed and all parties will be eliminated for the next round draw.
  12. Any conflicts of scheduling will be reviewed by the Committee. Any and all decisions made by the Committee will be final.
  13. In the Cup Team Knockout Competition, no games can be cancelled.
  15. Also, the offending TEAM CAPTAIN and OFFENDING PLAYER will be asked to attend in front of the PPA LEAGUE Committee to answer any allegations. The punishment for the TEAM and/or OFFENDING PLAYER will be decided by the Committee on a case-by-case basis.


  1. The minimum age for a player to play in the PPA leagues is 10yrs of age. Proof of date of birth is required for players between 10yrs and 18yrs of age.
  2. If a Captain has a player between 10yrs and 18yrs of age in his/her team, he/she must contact the opposing Pub/Club at least 48hrs before any away match to gain permission for him/her to play. The decision of the Pub/Club is final.
  3. If permission is not granted by the venue for a minor to enter, then the use of a mutually agreeable venus may be used in agreement of both captains. If permission is granted, the player becomes the responsibility of the away captain.
  4. All youth players MUST be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times, during league matches and/or competitions. A youth registration form must be completed before the start of any season.
  5. ALL Captains MUST be over the age of 18yrs before taking control of a team in any part of the PPA. 


  1. All grievances must be submitted in writing to the General Secretary using Sheet 1 of the grievance procedure within 7 days of the event.
  2. Once received, Sheet 2 and a copy of Sheet 1 will be sent for completion by the opposing team/individual and MUST be returned to the General Secretary by the time specified which is within 14 days of the incident.
  3. Once both completed sheets have been received, the grievance will be reviewed at the following Committee meeting and the committee will decide if any action is to be taken, and/or if a disciplinary hearing is required.
  4. The Committee shall base it’s decisions on the current constitution.
  5. For situations not covered by the constitution, the committee will make a decision that, in their opinion, is necessary or beneficial to the PPA, by way of a majority vote.


  1. If the Peterborough Pool Association decides by a simple majority that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Association it shall call a special general meeting of all members with the power to vote and the members of the area of benefit.
  2. Twenty-one days’ notice shall be given of such a meeting by posting notices in conspicuous places in the area of benefit stating the wording of the proposed resolution.
  3. The PPA Committee can only be dissolved if ALL of Committee members present at the special general meeting vote for a motion to dissolve it.
  4. If such a resolution if confirmed by a simple majority vote the Committee shall dispose of any assets held in the name of P.P.A. Any assets still usable provided by grant aid from Peterborough City Council, any other statutory bodies or organisations they shall be returned after satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities.
  5. Any assets left after that shall be given to organisations with similar purposes to Sue Ryder Care and British Heart Foundation on a 50/50 split, working in the area of benefit. Any disposal of assets that cannot be satisfied by any of the above shall be passed to Peterborough Council for Voluntary Services.

Last updated & Approved: September 2024 @AGM